Etched Glass Ocean Scenes by Jay Hoyt Curtis
Including breaking waves, kelp beds, seals, sea turtles, birds, and all kinds of sea life
On this page you will find examples of some of the glass artworks I have created that contain etched glass ocean scenes. Each new project that gets posted to the site with the tag "ocean scene" will appear here.
"Glass has always been magical to me, in its fragility and brilliance. As sun passes through an etched glass or cast glass panel, light refracts and diffuses, its color reflecting nature."
The above is a direct quote from my bio page, and it rings just as true now as when I first wrote it. And there can be little doubt that living and working in southern California most of my life, and continuing on now as I transition to spending more time in Bend, Oregon, that glass has a unique ability to mimic so many natural qualities, from water and ice to sky and sea, from bright sparkling minerals to ephemeral clouds, glass can truly evoke nature like no other medium.
Thanks for looking, and feel free to contact me here if you have a special project in mind.
-- Jay