A Wave Crashes Into This Custom Etched Glass Breaking Wave Backsplash
Meanwhile a Seal and Pelican Brace for the Breaking Wave
I was honored to be commissioned to design and create this stunning etched glass seascape backsplash for a coastal home in Newport Beach in Orange County, California. Coastal Orange County has a very high percentage of gorgeous custom homes, and many home owners here appreciate fine hand made works of art that are both beautiful and functional. I am pleased to have had the opportunity to create something truly unique for this fine home.
A sizable wave crashing in from the right dominates the scene in this etched glass seascape backsplash. Meanwhile a seal lying on a large rock braces for the breaking wave as a pelican flies by assessing the scene below. The glass has a blue background and is edge lit with LED lighting to make the piece really pop visually, both day and night.
If you are thinking of an etched glass seascape backsplash or any other custom glass project for your home or business, use this contact form to reach me by email and let's discuss your ideas.